Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The hangover that never ends

Nausea. Won't go away. Won't give me an hour's peace. All I want to do is go outside for a walk, but I'm afraid of throwing up on a neighbors lawn. Please baby, give your mother a break.


Anonymous said...

Oh yuck. I am so sorry. On the plus side, yep, you're pregnant!

Candi said...

Yes. Try grounding the baby...till its 12! I grounded my lil one and I SWEAR I am feeling better! ;) Tough love, LOL!

sara said...

Aww..I'm sorry about the all day/evening/ night nausea. That majorly sucks! I hope it lets up soon. I found a funny cartoon I'll post for you tomorrow if I remember. It'll hit home I think about pregnancy nausea, at least it did for me. It's a funny take on it all. Hope all is well...hang in there. We'll be out of the first before you know it :-)

Tara said...

Ohhhhh yes. I am in the same boat. Really not fun.

Bad baby! BAD!

Tara said...

Ohhhhh yes. I am in the same boat. Really not fun.

Bad baby! BAD!