Sunday, July 3, 2011

And just as quickly as it began....

RE's office called this morning. Embryo didn't develop overnight. Only one cell as of this morning. Looks like we're not going to make it to transfer. I have so many questions for myself. Should I have done things differently? Should we have waited this long? Why? Why? Why?

My heart is broken.


Tara said...

Oh Sully, I'm so sorry. I hate having to say that, too. Really hate ever having to say that. It bites.

Heather said...

So sorry to hear that. (((Hugs)))

Tam said...

Hi Sully, I know it's been awhile since I've said anything, but I have been following along with you every step of the way. This truly, truly blows. Wish I were there to hug you. I can't believe this is the end of the story, though...