So, the Barron and I are going on a short vacation this weekend. We're heading down to New Orleans on Friday - Monday and leaving G home with his Grandparents. I'm so excited I could burst, but I also know that I will probably spend the entire flight down in tears. I'm gonna miss my boy.
I think we are definitely doing this at the right time. If we don't go now, we'll never go. I have friends who are going on their first solo trip since their son was born (he's 3 and a half). Barron and I used to take trips all the time and it's been rough on us not being able to just get away and focus on us. It should be a nice break.
Gavin loves his GP's and sees each set of them once a week, so I don't think it'll be an issue for him. I'm not nervous about their care either, as they are very familiar with how to take care of him. It's not making it any easier to leave though. I'm giving him tons of extra kisses and hugs this week to make up for it!
As for my not so little guy, who is 7 MONTHS old today, he's doing great. As of our last doctor visit, he is 19 lbs, 13 oz, and 29 inches long. He's rolling all over the place and is very vocal! I'm also pretty sure he's close to crawling, which is scaring the crap out of me. Gotta start babyproofing.
I'm doing well, although I'm starting to realize that working from home and raising a child is harder than I thought it would be. I do have help two days a week from grandparents, but on the other three days, I work when I can. This has become a bit of a problem, because I am not the worker I once was, but I also feel the need to be with my son. Things may have to change down the line, but I'm not sure how. I may need to put G in daycare for a few days in order to get my work done. Just a thought. I'd hate to do it, but it may be what we all need.
Then there's the issue of baby #2. As I noted once before, my OB/GYN suggested not waiting more than a year to try again, as I responded poorly to my first cycle (even though it worked). The Barron recently started a new job which allows us three IVF cycles, but I'm not sure I'm ready to go down that road yet. I always wanted a nice gap between children, but I know it's not a possibility for me. Plus, I'm in no rush to go through all that again. We're going to discuss at the end of the summer to see what our next steps are. We'll see.